Kickoff to Juneteenth 2022 – What’s Your Story? (Part 2)
By Lauren Wong
As promised, here are some more stories that were shared with me at the Glendale’s Kickoff to Juneteenth Event…

Cynthia Duran and Abril Torres
Outreach Coordinators at the Academies of Math and Science, AMS Impact Group

Duran: “I was born and raised here in Phoenix, Arizona, but my parents migrated from Mexico. My first language was Spanish growing up, I didn’t learn English until I entered school, so the majority of my first five years was only in Spanish.”
“Once I entered school I graduated from ASU with a Microbiology Degree, then I entered the marketing field, which is weird because it was a big hop. But, once I entered marketing, I’ve worked here for the Academies of Math and Science, and it’s been a great experience. Working with children, being out in the community, and attending these types of events is always the best part because we’re able to see our students out and about.”
“Our schools are tuition free, so everything we provide for them is free. We also have free lunch for our students. The majority of them are from low-income communities, so we do provide before and after school child care for families that work. We have clubs for them, instruments we provide them; everything we have for them is free.”
Torres: “I’ve lived in Arizona since I was three months old. I’ve always been interested in working in the educational field with kids, promoting the importance of education. I love working with the Academies of Math and Science and being out here promoting our schools, but also being a part of the community that we’re looking to serve and provide resources to.”
Mr. Hudges
ASU Master’s Student

“My story is education, education on what to eat and live… you have to be educated on some of the non-profit values that we have. So, once you get educated on the non-profit values that we have, then we can truly uplift our community.”
“I’m a corner boy, you can catch me on any of these corners. Back in the 50s and 60s it was called ‘soap-boxing,’ you get out there and educate the people. I’m an Arizona State University student, a master’s student, and I’m 56 years old. My colleagues love me… because I tell them to keep love alive. When you see me, you see love.”
“Everywhere you go is education. What did you learn most when you came out of prison? I learned patience. I was in charge of all the AA meetings for two years, everyone in there was getting their chips, six months, they’re always getting chips. So, I’m all about educating people that you have people that love you.”
Cheryl Nance
Owner of GLOW Handcrafted Body Care

“I started this business last April of 2021. I’ve been making my shea butter for like 20 years. I would make it for myself and pretty much just let friends and family try it. I’d sell it seasonally in little gift packages and things like that, but I decided to branch out and go ahead and have a legitimate business. I started out with my original Yellow Shea Butter and Salt Scrub, and from there we’ve expanded. Now I have a whole women’s line with shea butter, body soap, body oil, shower gel, as well as a men’s line of products. I also have a treatment line with ointment and healing creams.”
“GLOW actually stands for ‘Give the Lord Our Worship,’ so I take from nature what God has provided and I formulate and come up with these products. GLOW makes you feel good in the skin that you’re in… so that’s pretty much my story.”

Cheryl Satterfield
Owner of 2Blessd Etc.

“I sell you the best CBD, it’s all 100% full spectrum done through Black hemp farmers from Kentucky, Utah, and Oregon. I want to help heal people, not just sell to people, because healing is what we all need today and everyday. I got into it just because a lot of people, even children, have ailments that people ignore, and doctors ignore. They want to give you chemicals and pharmaceuticals, but the best way is to have it natural. Because with natural, we heal better, and all of this, you can give to your baby, your dog, your cat, etc. People fail to realize that your dog and your cat, their body acts just like theirs. With hemp and CBD products, it’s inexpensive but it’s natural and it heals and it helps.”
Lorraine Taylor
“Retired, but still very busy with life”

“When Vanessa Williams won the Miss America pageant I was like 10 and I never thought that anyone would ever win a pageant that looked like me. When she won it was wonderful, and then they stripped all that away from her. I started watching the different programs that came on TV and you had people from Africa, Zimbabwe, etc, that were winning and they were kind of like me.”
“When I moved to Sun City I got with this group called the Arizona Cameo Club and that’s where we had to be in a pageant in order to win. Well at my first pageant I thought, ‘to heck with that, I’m never going to win,’ I didn’t even know how to dress at that time for a pageant. But, I got in and experienced it, and I did my second one, I didn’t win that one. Then I was approached by Ms. BlackGlobe and I had to come up with my statement, my talent, my walk, they even had a bathing suit in this one.”
“It’s just the idea of being able to participate, and when you finally get in the top 5 and then they call your name, and you’re a mature woman, to me, it was such an honor. I’m independent, I’m intelligent, I’m a mother, I’m a grandmother, I work, I’m an actress, I’m a singer… I’m just excited to be able to speak of different things, and meet people all the time because I’ve never met a stranger.”
“This year was the first year that BlackGlobe International participated in the inaugural Manifestation Awards. Being part of the Juneteenth weekend where Black men and women were honored for their contributions in the Black Community. The Queens were the presenters and it was a great honor.”